29 items
- Country of Origin: US
- Domestic/Import: Domestic
- Manufacturer Name: Sioux Chief
- Country of Origin: US
- Domestic/Import: Domestic
- Manufacturer Name: Sioux Chief
PF5855RP MFG #: 883-AT
- Country of Origin: US
- Domestic/Import: Domestic
- Inside Diameter: 4 in
- Country of Origin: US
- Domestic/Import: Domestic
- Manufacturer Name: Sioux Chief
- Country of Origin: US
- Domestic/Import: Domestic
- Inside Diameter: 4 in
- Country of Origin: US
- Domestic/Import: Domestic
- Length: 1-15/16 in
- Country of Origin: CN, US
- Domestic/Import: Import
- Manufacturer Name: Oatey
- Country of Origin: US
- Domestic/Import: Domestic
- Length: 1-15/16 in
- Country of Origin: US
- Domestic/Import: Domestic
- Manufacturer Name: Sioux Chief